The marine port for
Sarre, Lorraine and Luxembourg

The marine port for
Sarre, Lorraine and Luxembourg

The marine port for
Sarre, Lorraine and Luxembourg

The marine port for
Sarre, Lorraine and Luxembourg

The marine port for
Sarre, Lorraine and Luxembourg

Our mission: to bring you closer to the ports

Using a combination of road and rail, Terminal Container Athus (TCA) offers smooth and secure transportation of maritime containers :

  • Between the North Sea ports: Antwerp - Rotterdam - Zeebrugge
  • And the Sarre -Lorraine -Luxembourg region (Saar-Lor-Lux)

For both import and export flows, TCA guarantees efficient, economical, quick and quality logistics. Its mobility solutions, adapted to the expectations of each client, are ecological, reliable and trustworthy.

In addition to transporting maritime containers, TCA:

  • Organises all types of rail and road combined transport : bulk, conventional goods, palettes, swap bodies…
  • Offers additional services : stuffing/unstuffing, unloading, repairs, conditioning, customs.